Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Granola Start: 10:20 PM End: 10:48 PM

Techincally, I won't put the lid on this granola until a bit closer to midnight to give it a chance to cool and crust a bit. But the prep and bake time for this incredibly easy, incredibly cheap granola is fast enough that it's something I can just make on a whim if I want it for the next day.

About a year ago I started reading all three volumes of The Tightwad Gazette. My main motivation was to look for little things to help me save money and also cook a variety of inexpensive and wholesome foods for my family while using all real ingredients. I borrowed the books from the library and read them all in a few days. Aside from the tips I found useful in other areas, I did walk away with about 15 recipes added to cards in my recipe box.

Muffins and granola are most often made as well as a great lentil bulger base which makes an amazing "crumbled meat" substitute in just about anything. For dinner we had burgers from this base and they were delicious enough to be consumed in multiple quantities by two out of three of my children (o.k. my oldest only ate one). I rarely make this late at night, so we might not see them on this blog.

This granola is made from seven real food ingredients: Whole oats, cinnamon, salt, raisins, honey, oil, and brown sugar. I add a handful of slivered almonds if we are eating it at home but since the kids go to a no nut school, I don't add them prior so they always have the option of packing some. And the total cost for what you see is less than two dollars. Yum!


  1. I don't think I can post the recipe since it's from a book...but I put it in the comments section of my FB post. Plus I've removed an ingredient the author uses so it might still pass...shrug. Don't want to violate copyright on my second post! :P
