Saturday, August 7, 2010

Maggie's Birthday Cake Start:8:30 PM End:12:07 AM

Seems like a fitting start. Although I'll say it took me 20 minutes to just get a name for this blog address because it seems like all of the good original ideas are already taken in the blog world.

My little girl turned two yesterday and we'll be having her cake tomorrow evening. To be fair I started the baking process around 8:30PM when I got home from work. The cooling process took quite a while. I started making the icing around 11:30 and the completed cake didn't emerge until 12:07.

My basic vanilla cake is a mix of average kitchen ingredients. Flour, milk, sugar, eggs, baking powder, vanilla, butter, salt, and in this case a touch of orange extract which makes it taste a bit like one of those famous brand packaged cupcakes with the orange icing and the white swirl line on top.

My basic icing is confectioners sugar, butter, milk, and vanilla extract. I'm not a huge fan of chemical dyes but I made an exception tonight because I ran out of my vegetable based dye set..and it's a birthday after all.

I love to bake and cook and I love making as much real food for my family as I can. I like the outlet of having something to do at night while I wait for yeasty bread to rise, or muffins to bake, or compote to set.

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